Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Clearing: Clearing the Path To the Life You Want

Spring Clearing: Clearing the Path to the Life You Want
Creative Expression Workshop

Use creative expression to clear the path for manifesting the life of your dreams.
Become clear on the fears and stumbling blocks that have stood in your way in the past and begin to let them go!
Use movement, journaling and collage to create a road map for your vision.
Honoring your past while moving into  a joyous and prosperous present.
  • Participate in a ritual that honors past life lessons
  • Take a deeper look at how your thoughts have influenced your outcomes
  • Design a vision for personal life and career
Come prepared to move, have fun, and shake  up your creative spirit
Workshop includes complimentary
Lunch and Journals

Saturday, April 14, 2012
11am - 3pm
The Renaissance
130 Malcolm X Blvd.
Community Room
New York, NY
Earl Bird Special!
Register by April 1st for $30
Tickets are $40 after April 1st

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Belief and Clarity

This week I have been thinking a lot about what I believe is possible for my business and my life. I am reading Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich and also listening to seminar's regarding starting socially conscious businesses.  I realized that the goals I was setting for my business were small and undefined. I began to see that if I didn't believe that I could achieve big goals now then I wasn't putting the right energy into the universe.

For me success was something that would be achieved at a later date, either when I was older or when I had more experience. These habits of always putting things off into the future were blocking me from reaching success now.  Today my focus is on knowing that anything is possible in this moment because belief is the first and most important step. We all know that how we think about a situation affects how we relate to it, the energy we give it, and the people and circumstances we attract.

Once we believe that we can have everything that we desire, it is also important to become clear about what it is  that we desire. Through this business seminar I realized that I need be clearer about what my business looks like. I am truly thankful for the success I have had so far but I know that more clarity will bring bigger results. It will allow me to shape the future of my company and bring my mission statement into fruition.

Within any aspect of our life I am seeing that clarity and belief are key ingredients for success. But for me it's not just about knowing but about doing the work. So this week I invite you to get clear about your vision for life, whether it be in areas of family, career or love. We never know what's available to us once we believe that all things are possible.