Monday, January 30, 2012

How To Create Transformation Through Collage

Great news!! I'm having another workshop in New York City and you're all invited. 
How to Create Transformation Through Collage workshop on Thursday February 2, 2012 from 7pm -9pm has been creating quite the buzz and if you haven't attended yet this is a perfect opportunity to tap into your creative intelligence and create exciting new goals that will support you throughout the year.
During this 2 hour workshop you will use
  • Collage
  • Guided meditation
  • and Journaling
to set and re-commit to your goals, figure out what may be blocking you from accomplishing them in the past and begin strategizing on how to make your goals a reality.  These workshops are tons of fun and give you the opportunity to use markers, crayons and writing to take big steps in your career and personal lives.  For more information and to register please check out Skillshare at or my website

Sunday, January 29, 2012


I have begun reading Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich. I am only on the first chapter but what has already stuck out to me are these 6 steps. Decide how much money you want, when you want it by, what you are wiling to give, devise a plan, start immediately and read the answers to these questions twice a day. I love the affirmation aspect. Reading my plan and feeling and imagining like it has already happened.  Now what has me stumped is what am I willing to give. When I first read it, I thought I read decide what I am willing to give up and I began to think that I had to sacrifice something to get what I want. When I read it again and realized it said what am I willing to give, I was still at a lost. I thought well I am willing to give time, focus and energy to make my dream a reality. Is that enough, I don't know but I figure it’s a good start.

I asked my boyfriend what he was willing to give for his business and his first response was money. He then added work and time but he definitely thinks that money is a part of the process. And who's to say he's  not right. We have all heard "takes money to make money” or my new favorite by Meek Mills "scared money don't make no money." The book has yet to say anything about what to give simply that you must be willing to give something.

A concept that at first  baffled me now makes a lot of sense. It  made me take a look at my own attitude toward the term "give" and how I so easily saw give up. I want to shift my relationship to the word give. Some definitions of the word give that spoke to me were to contribute, to be warm and open in relationship with others. These definitions are the energy that I want to give when I give my focus, energy and time to my mission of growing my coaching and workshop practice and work.  These will not just be things that I do to reach an end but I will know that I am contributing to the world and relating to others in a way that is warm and open.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Journey

For me this is a time to get real clear about what I would like to manifest this year, and work hard to enjoy every moment. Because as a lot of us will soon realize, 2013 will be here before you know it.
More important than just knowing what we want to accomplish in the new year, we also need to begin thinking about our action plan. In my own life, I have seen that the more time and energy I give something the faster the results. Yes hard work breeds results but more than that I believe that it is our energy and focus that gives our hard work that extra push. How we relate to the work is key.
For me a plan of action changes how I relate to a goal. Small accomplishments and a schedule make any goal seem manageable and within reach.What a lot of us tend to forget is that life is about the journey, not just the final destination.  So I propose that in the new year, we celebrate the small accomplishments and sticking to our schedule. Every task completed is another chance for us to pat ourselves on the back and re-commit to our goals.
There are tons of ways we can stay focused and dedicated on our journey. I love charts and I've also recently discovered Wunderlist, which is an online task management tool that also has apps for your phone and other devices.  I have used it to create tons of to-do lists, focusing on various business and personal goals. But for me it's more than about just checking tasks off as complete, it's about the positive energy and good vibes I give off when I know I've completed a task. And as I said before it's all about our energy.
So in 2012 let's get that good energy out there in the universe. That sense of accomplishment and  inner knowing will propel us forward in manifesting our dreams and help make 2012 a fabulous year.