Monday, March 4, 2013

My Good

Lately I feel as though I am working hard to curb feelings of jealousy and work to remain patient. Now I don't want to give the impression that I'm not happy for others success because I definitely am, but often there is that feeling of "when will it be my turn" that takes over.  I find that turning to my faith during these times helps but still at times there is this nagging feeling that something more should be happening.

I want to be able to turn this feeling inward and ask myself some tough questions. Am I doing enough to accomplish what I want? Am I too busy comparing myself to others and not looking at all I've accomplished?  I know that we are all on our own journey so I want to be able to really look at my journey and focus on where I want to go. Not make rush decisions in order to keep up with others.

I know that my own good is constantly manifesting in my life. I know that what is meant for me will be and there is not much that I can do to speed up or slow down the timing. So I will work hard and keep my vision at the center of my mind. I will spend my time feeling good about all that is to come and push past any sort of anxiety or thoughts of "when and how".  Good is manifesting all the time and I simply have to open up to it.