Sunday, October 30, 2011

Celebrating the Journey

This week I learned an important lesson about celebrating your success. I think we get so used to looking at the big picture that we forget all the very important steps that go in to getting us there. This past week I made two very important contacts but yet for a while all I could focus on was not having the numbers I wanted at a workshop I'd given. It took my going to a Woman's circle and doing an exercise about gratitude for it to really dawn on my how much I'd gained.
In life I know that it's been a tendency of mine to look towards the future instead of celebrating the now. Over and over again I have been reminded this week that it's all about the journey. The more I focused on the journey this week, and the success I'd made on my path the more things opened up for me and I began to enjoy my business. I was no longer waiting for things to take off and be a success but I was seeing things take off right before my eyes. I got to feel the energy and see the momentum in action, and I also know that this is just the beginning. There will be other success along the way that will build, and I want to make sure that I am present and focused on all of them.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Staying Positive While at Work

Like a lot of people out there I work in an office with people who have different personalities and ways of dealing with stress. It can be hard when in a professional environment to not let the attitudes and behaviors of the people around you affect you. I know that I am highly affected by whether or not the people I share an office with are in a good or bad mood.  At times it can feel like my mood is too greatly tied up to theirs.  I also know that I have been the cause at times of negative emotions in the office based on how I was feeling or how I was reacting to things that happen at work.

What are some of the ways that we can avoid being caught up in work drama while still maintaining good relationships with our co-workers? I’m fortunate enough to be able to listen to my headphones at my desk. When I feel like the mood of the office is becoming stressful I can simply listen to my music or inspirational speakers. I love Hay House Radio for this.  Anther way that I stay positive at work is to make sure that I have positive influences on my desk. All around my monitor and the wall I face are inspirational quotes. I could also add some pictures and art work to brighten up the mood.  I invite you to find your own way to get centered while dealing with various personalities and moods in your workplace.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Creating Balance

Focusing in on what's important to us can be hard when we feel like there are so many things pulling us in different directions. I recently completed a 3 month leadership training that forced me to take a look at different areas of my life that at times were neglected and set hard goals.  Great things were accomplished but now that no one is standing over me, what do I do? Well working with a coach is a great idea. I will still have someone to hold me accountable and make sure I'm being a person of my word, accomplishing all the things I say I want to get done. But do I still go hard in all areas or do I only focus on the ones that are most important. How do I balance my life without exhausting myself?
I think making a list of priorities is a great start. I personally would put my career at the top of the list but I know a career with out family, friends and good health does not make for an enjoyable life. I believe that I can put my full focus in my career while still making scaled back yet meaningful deposits into the other areas of my life. I also believe that once things in one area of my life start to come together and I begin manifesting the things that I'm passionate about it will inspire me to take that same momentum into other facets of my life.  For right now my goal is to work hard yet still take time to enjoy the people in my life, take care of my body and express my creativity and love for people.