Monday, July 29, 2013

What does it take to forgive?

The theme of forgiveness has been very prevalent in my life lately. Recently I had a discussion with a friend about how do you go about forgiving someone. I have always thought of myself as a very forgiving person, well unless I had to forgive myself, otherwise I could easily let past wrongs go. For me as long as we talked about the issue and I expressed my feelings, I was ready to move on. But what happens when you can't express yourself. How do you forgive someone who is no longer here or in your life?

I believe if I had the answer to that question I would be able to release a lot of past hurts and insecurities. When my friend asked me how I forgive I told him about affirmations that I recite, and how writing about what I learned from the situation has helped me. I have often heard that forgiveness is for you and not for the other person. So why is it that we often avoid something that will benefit us?

For one it adds to our stories and the identity that we create for ourselves. If we have created an image of ourselves as someone that does not easily trust or that people reject, then having to let go of that story can be a big ordeal. We even use these stories to create the identities of others, "this person is always late" or "my friend always says things that are insulting".   So what would it be like if we weren't influenced by the stories he hold about ourselves and the relationships we have with others.

Well I want to find out, I personally vow to be in constant practice around forgiveness. Knowing that these past incidents do not create the story of who I am. Forgiveness for me will be a form of release and a chance to renew my faith in the good that is constantly manifesting in my life.