Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Quest for Patience

I have recently started a training with the wonderful Millicent St. Clair of LIGMO (Let It Go Move On), and I have been almost shocked with how many messages have come to me about letting things go. This Sunday I attended service at Unity of New York, and the message centered around St. Francis  of Assisi and not being attached to material goods. The pastor instructed us to let go of things and people that were not serving us. I immediately made a mental note of all the things in my apartment that I need to go through. I have clothes I don't wear, books I'll never read again and not to mention tons of papers and mail that can be discarded. I know that right now this is a time of release for me and whenever I forget the universe reminds me.
More then letting go of things, I know there are old ideas I need to release. One of which is my attachment to how I think things are suppose to turn out. I have been teaching a lot of classes on interviewing lately and the questions of "What is your biggest weakness" is always addressed. I have been thinking that my biggest weakness right now is patience. I get a clear vision of what I want and then I want it right now. More than just wanting it right now I get frustrated when it doesn't come in my timing, instead of letting the universe do its work. That frustration really does nothing but put negative energy out into the world and block my good.
I think that focusing on non-attachment will help me in my quest for patience. Knowing that everything is already alright and that I am in my perfect place in life will allow more good and prosperity to effortlessly flow into my life. This is not to say that I will stop working towards my goals, just that I will stop stressing towards them. I will move forward knowing that right where I am is prosperous, wonderful and filled with never ending good.