Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New Strategy for the New Year

Lately I've felt like I've been pulled in so many directions that I've been unable to give important goals my full attention. This can tend to make me feel stressful and question my dedication to my goals. Often times I have to remind myself that my path may not be a straight road but one that has twists and turns. In the end I know that if I push forward I will eventually reach my destination. That these twists and turns are valuable lessons and experiences that will further me in my life.
Sometimes I have to remind myself of this fact over and over again. I have goals that I've wanted to accomplish in 2012 and is some cases 2011, and 2010 that still have yet to manifest in my life. Instead of beating myself up about it, I've decided to  take a look at my strategy. I have the opportunity to put a new plan in place, learn what hasn't been working and do something different.
All life experiences play a purpose in our life and life is not just about accomplishing goals but also developing a deeper connection to our life force.  I know that I have done significant work and continue to do work in really appreciating who I am and what I bring to the table. This work will assist me in manifesting the life of my dreams and I know that it will also assist you in manifesting a fuller, happier and prosperous vision.