Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mourning Change

Sometimes if feels like the affects of a change can hit you out of no where. I have been going through a change that actually started back in May but I felt like all of a sudden the implications of that change have really stuck out to me. Maybe for me it's a sign that I am finally beginning to let things and people go. Or maybe it could signal a bigger change that needs to take place in my life.
Change is a natural part of life but as we all know it can be hard. For me I feel like when the change is happening I'm so wrapped up in it that I don't have the time to mourn what I've lost. Even though I know that what I've lost in most cases is for the better, and is making room for something greater. There is still that since of losing what is comfortable and familiar. I am realizing that at times it is okay to be with my feelings around a situation. Not necessarily stay stuck but give myself the time and space to feel what I feel.  From this space I can better mourn what I've lost and make plans for what needs to happen next.
I think that putting plans in place around anything in our lives excites us to move forward. Hope begins to become the dominant emotion and that can replace that since of morning that may have originally been felt. Hope mixed with faith that everything is already working out in perfect order are what keeps me motivated to execute my plans and step into the next stage of my life.