Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Journey

For me this is a time to get real clear about what I would like to manifest this year, and work hard to enjoy every moment. Because as a lot of us will soon realize, 2013 will be here before you know it.
More important than just knowing what we want to accomplish in the new year, we also need to begin thinking about our action plan. In my own life, I have seen that the more time and energy I give something the faster the results. Yes hard work breeds results but more than that I believe that it is our energy and focus that gives our hard work that extra push. How we relate to the work is key.
For me a plan of action changes how I relate to a goal. Small accomplishments and a schedule make any goal seem manageable and within reach.What a lot of us tend to forget is that life is about the journey, not just the final destination.  So I propose that in the new year, we celebrate the small accomplishments and sticking to our schedule. Every task completed is another chance for us to pat ourselves on the back and re-commit to our goals.
There are tons of ways we can stay focused and dedicated on our journey. I love charts and I've also recently discovered Wunderlist, which is an online task management tool that also has apps for your phone and other devices.  I have used it to create tons of to-do lists, focusing on various business and personal goals. But for me it's more than about just checking tasks off as complete, it's about the positive energy and good vibes I give off when I know I've completed a task. And as I said before it's all about our energy.
So in 2012 let's get that good energy out there in the universe. That sense of accomplishment and  inner knowing will propel us forward in manifesting our dreams and help make 2012 a fabulous year.

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