Monday, April 30, 2012

The Boredom Trap

What do we do to shake off that feeling of stagnation at work. Lately I've been feeling bored with the work I'm doing at my day job. I know that having a day job is extremely important for me right now and that I'm helping others, which is one of my main goals at this time of my life. But lately I've been feeling as though the day to day has become extremely routine and often times I sit at my desk feeling quite bored.
One thing that I am starting to realize is that I can't wait around for someone else to give me a project to work on or make the job exciting. I need to fish out ways to bring back the passion to my job. One thing that the job has going for it is that I am always around new and interesting people. Clients change on a daily basis and getting to know them as individuals and finding out how I can be of service to them is a great way to bring that passion back into my work activities.
Another thing that I want to start doing is listing every day something that I learned. Life is about growing and learning and quite frankly when you stop growing in a position it's usually because you've outgrown it. I'm going to start making a mental list of all the things I learn at my job, whether it be about myself, the work or people in general.
More than anything else I'm going to take these lessons and utilize them in other areas of my life and business. I know that the job I have is an important piece in my master plan towards building my own business. These lessons will aid me in dealing with others, learning valuable skills and inspire me to keep moving forward. I accept these lessons with gratitude and each day I try to remember that the only thing keeping me stagnated or bored is my own thinking.

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