Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ritual for Manifesting in 2012

Time to get clear about 2012. For me I know there are a lot of things on my to do list for the upcoming year. Instead of setting new years resolutions ,which let's face it mostly last until about February, I am going to make a list of things that I want to manifest in the new year. From there it will be all about putting my plan in place for making it happen. But before we more on to 2012 I think it is important to take a step back and appreciate 2011. For me lots of things were accomplished and I have a lot to be thankful for. I know that we may have started doing some of this in November for Thanksgiving but I say why not turn it into a ritual.
Here's what I plan to do.
1. List all the things I manifested in 2011, for me some of those things are a new job, deeper connection with my boyfriend and friends, starting my blog.
2. List all the people who have been a positive influence in my life over this past year.
3. Light candles and say a pray of thanks for all the blessing that I have manifested in 2011.
4. List all the things that I will manifest in 2012. And because I love expressing myself creativity I will definitely be creating a college, painting, drawing or even a dance based on this list.
5. Hang my list up where I can see it everyday and expect good things to come my way.
I hope everyone can partake in this ritual or create there own. Remember I am here to support you all in creating big things in 2012. I know that it is going to be an awesome year.

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