Thursday, December 20, 2012

Holiday Time

As we approach the holidays I can't think of a busier time. There is always some sort of party going on, friends and family to visit and people coming in to town to visit you. This can bring with it a lot of emotions, some joyous and others not so much. I myself try to focus on the whole picture during this time. Yes, I want my goals and what I'm accomplishing to always be a top priority in my life, but without taking a wider look I could let some really important things slip by. What is a life of accomplishing tasks without having supportive relationship that bring joy into your life.
Relationships go through phases, they are a living organism always changing, becoming stronger or at times moving out of our lives to make way for something new. There was a time when the holidays came around and I focused on the relationships that were no longer in my life, or the things that I did not accomplish during the year.  But I began to realize that this is a time for celebrating all that we have accomplished and all the lessons we've learned.
Not only should we be celebrating our accomplishments but it is also important to celebrate the people in our lives that helped us make it happen. I have a long list of family and friends who have supported me with starting my own business and have helped me through challenges. Some of those people are no longer in my life but I know that I can still celebrate the lessons they helped me learn. 
So during this busy time I plan to take some time out for me. To take a look at all the wonderful things that are happening in my life and be grateful. An attitude of gratitude not only brings joy and love into your life but also tells the Universe that you are ready and able to receive more.  I'm wishing you all a happy holiday season, filled with love, joy, gratitude and wonderful manifestations.

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